Gevelopers is a top website design and web development company in Europe, Turkey, Singapore & USA delivering the best web development services to craft bespoke websites, web applications, web-tools, etc. to global businesses and startups with 100% project delivery.
Gevelopers is a top enterprise web development company having specialized in creating multi-level enterprise-grade web solutions to meet various corporate needs. We develop bespoke enterprise web portals, eCommerce solutions, B2B and B2C applications, ERP and CRM software apps, Reporting, Billing & Secure Financial Transaction Processing Systems, etc. Our enterprise IT and web solutions are built using the latest web technologies and they are secure, robust and scalable which help businesses to reduce overall operational cost and enhance operational efficiency.
Custom Enterprise Web Development
Custom ERP Software Development
CRM Software Development
Enterprise System Integration
Enterprise Mobility Solutions
End-to-end IT Consultation

Mobile Backend & APIs
Being a leading website development company since 2015, we offer top back-end development services for web applications and mobile applications. Our master-coders provide custom REST API services and solutions to make the web and mobile apps interactive and user-friendly. We hold years of expertise in building on-site as well as cloud-based back-end app solutions for mobile, desktop, web and IoT applications. Our API driven architecture fuels front-end of web apps and mobile apps. Whereas the powerful back-end we develop will scale up your app when needed, performs faster and offers seamless 3rd party integration with optimum data storage security.
Fraud Proof eCommerce Website Development
Online eCommerce Website Design
Responsive eCommerce Websites/ Web Apps
SaaS based eCommerce Set up
Multi-vendor Store Development
Shopping Cart Development
Custom eCommerce Development
Mobile Commerce Solutions
Content Management System
Gevelopers is a top CMS development company offering a complete range of content management system (CMS) development services and solutions for websites, B2C & B2B portals, enterprise applications and eCommerce solutions. Our success ratio of 100% project delivery for CMS development projects shows the expertise of talented CMS developers at Gevelopers. Hire CMS developers and CMS designers from Gevelopers, who are masters in working with open-source CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, Umbraco, Kentico, Moodle, Joomla, TYPO3, Mambo, DotNetNuke, etc.
Custom CMS Web Development
CMS for eCommerce Solutions
CMS for B2C & B2B Apps
Enterprise CMS Development
CMS Migration & Update

Benutzerdefinierte Webentwicklung
We are a leading website design and web development company helping some of the most recognized brands with digital landscape presence through custom web development services. The web solutions we develop are feature-rich, highly functional, robust, secure and scalable with engaging UI/UX design that enhances the brand. Hire PHP website developers from Gevelopers, who have years of experience in developing custom websites, web apps, web portals, online eCommerce stores, etc. We have a perfect full-stack development team with experience in Microsoft technologies, PHP core and open-source platforms, UI/UX design, scripting languages, DevOps services to offer affordable solutions for your business.
Custom Website Design
Web CMS Development
Web Portal Development
eCommerce Website Development
Enterprise Web App Development
We are a leading eCommerce web development company crafting beautiful web-based eCommerce solutions for ultimate online shopping experiences. Our eCommerce website development services include full-fledged online eCommerce store web design and custom eCommerce web development for small, medium and large-scale retail businesses. Our expertise in popular eCommerce platforms like Magento based eCommerce website development, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, Zen Cart, OpenCart, Shopify, etc. has helped us to deliver world-class eCommerce web solutions with robust online content management system.
Fraud Proof eCommerce Website Development
Online eCommerce Website Design
Responsive eCommerce Websites/ Web Apps
SaaS based eCommerce Set up
Multi-vendor Store Development
Shopping Cart Development
Custom eCommerce Development
Mobile Commerce Solutions

Web Technologies We Work With
In-house specialists of contemporary web technologies that encapsulate server-side and front-end stacks.
We add Intelligence to your Web Apps
Refer a few use cases on how we use AI & ML technologies to empower web apps to streamline operations and improve user experience.
Medien, Unterhaltung, Shopping
Es verwendet den Verlauf des Benutzers, um ähnliche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen vorzuschlagen. Genau wie die Vorschläge beim Einkaufen bei Amazon oder beim Netflix schauen.
Sortierte, markierte und kategorisierte Fotos
Suche, Mobil, Sozial
Die Bildkategorisierung vereinfacht den Suchprozess. Es ist, als würde man ein Restaurant suchen und die Speisekarte, das Essen, das Ambiente usw. als Ergebnis erhalten.
Chatbots für den Kundensupport
Reisen, Banken, Einzelhandel
Intelligente Bots, die so programmiert sind, dass sie mehrere Geschäftsprozesse und den Kundenservice mit sofortigen, präzisen Informationen automatisieren.
Gamifiziertes Lernen & Bildung
Das ML-gesteuerte statistische Modell basiert auf den Antworten der Schüler, die ihren Speicherzyklus bestimmen und sie für Revisionen anpingen.
Vorhergesagte Gesundheitsüberwachung
ML-basierte Apps können Ärzten helfen, Patienten im Voraus zu behandeln und Leben zu retten, indem sie praktische Vorhersagen basierend auf ihren Patientendaten treffen.
Sprachbetriebene Smart Homes
Die KI-Technologie hat den Bau von automatisierten Sprachheimen angeführt, bei denen die Funktion durch eine App mit erhöhter Sicherheit gesteuert wird.