Never go out-of-stock with our smart inventory management system. We can build a solution that will help you monitor and control your stocked products with a range of features to maximize sales and cut down losses because of dead stock.

We Help You Manage Your Inventory Smartly
Every retailer has to do inventory management, whether on paper, in spreadsheets or using online software. Sometimes this is called inventory control.
En bref, nous pouvons dire que l'inventaire se situe entre l'achat et la vente. Vous voulez vous assurer que les articles les plus vendus sont commandés avant qu'ils ne soient épuisés. Vous souhaitez également suivre et exécuter les commandes rapidement pour satisfaire les clients.
En fait, la gestion des stocks est un vaste sujet. Tous les détaillants n'en auront pas besoin de tous les aspects. Mais si vous avez l'intention de développer votre entreprise, il est important de choisir les bons outils d'inventaire dès le départ.
Parlons des fonctionnalités
Vous amène où vous allez
Easy GST Filing
You can now file all types of GST with the help of this application.
Overview And Sales Charts
You can view and manage sales reports and charts.
Daily Purchase
You can now monitor your daily purchases through the dashboard.
Daily Sales
You can now monitor your daily sales through the dashboard.
Customized Reporting
Dashboard helps you create daily, weekly and monthly reports.
CGST & IGST Included
The dashboard has codes integrated for CGST and IGST filings.
Add / Edit / Delete Products
You can add, edit or remove all your products details from the database.
Inbuilt HSN / SAC Codes
It has inbuilt HSN/SAC codes that complies with all your GST filing.
Add / Edit / Delete Sales
You can add, edit or remove all your sales details from the database
As Per GST Compliance
Integrated codes that give you exact GST amount on all your purchases.
Inbuilt GST Calculations
Codes integrated that can calculate GST without having to do it manually.
Add / Edit / Delete Purchase
You can add, edit or remove to manage inventory via barcodes.
Product Report
Integrated system that allows you to create report of products that are purchased, sold and the profit report.
Purchase Reports
Integrated system application that allows you to create & import daily Purchase report.
Payment Due Reports
Integrated system that allows you to create report of payments that are due to be paid or received.
Discount Management
Discount offers in the past and present saved for better management.
Tax Management
A salient taxation feature that helps in better tax management.
System Integration
Install or integrate your existing software apps with ZERO downtime.
Industry Compliance
The system application dashboard has codes integrated for CGST and IGST filings on your purchases.
Barcode Print And Search
System is integrated with complete barcode functionality helps in doing monthly purchases.
Daily Sales Report
Integrated system that allows you to create daily sales report for future decision making.
Des avantages, tout ce que vous voulez !!!
You Can Now File All Types Of GST From One Medium.
You Can Easily Renew The App Every Year.
This System Can Help You Sell Products/Services That Are Created By Another Company.
Technologies avec lesquelles nous travaillons
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